If you are looking for the English recipe, please, scroll down a bit.
Jugo de 3 limones
Ralladura de 2 limones
Cantidad necesaria de leche
360cm3 crema de leche
1 lata leche condensada
24 vainillas*
* o las suficientes como para cubrir dos veces el recipiente donde vamos a hacer el postre.
Yo usé un molde de 17.5cm x 28cm (el que se ve en la foto).
1. Batir el jugo de limón, la ralladura, la crema de leche y la leche condensada hasta obtener una crema densa.
2. Colocar una primera capa fina de la mezcla en la fuente donde vamos a armar postre.
Nota: el postre no se desmolda, se sirve directo de esta fuente donde lo montamos.
3. Mojar vainillas en leche e ir formando una primer capa de vainillas sobre la mezcla que acabamos de colocar.
Es importante que las vainillas no queden muy sumergidas porque se van a desarmar. Dejar en leche por un segundo, dar vuelta menos de un segundo y pasar al molde.
4. Cubrir las vainillas con una capa de la mezcla usando un poco menos de la mitad de lo que queda en el bowl.
5. Repetir la capa de vainillas.
6. Terminar con una capa de la mezcla de leche condensada, leche y limón.
7. Llevar al freezer por 2 horas, aproximadamente o, si se tiene más tiempo, dejar en la heladera por unas 5 horas.
8. A disfrutar! (mucho... porque este postre es buenísimo).
English version
Juice of 3 lemons
Zest of 2 lemons
Milk as needed
360cm3 heavy cream
1 can of condensed milk
24 lady finger cookies*
* or enough to cover twice the pan we are using to prepare the dessert.
I used a 17.5cm x 28cm pan (the one shown in the picture).
1. Mix (preferably with a mixer) the lemon juice, zest, the heavy cream and the condensed milk until you get a dense mix.
2. Put a first thin layer of the mix in the pan we are using to mount the dessert.
Note: you are not going to unmold the dessert, it is served directly from the pan where you are preparing it.
3. Soak the cookies in milk and put them in a first layer over the mix layer we just put on the pan.
It is important to avoid the cookies being too soaked because if they are, they will break. Let one side of each cookie for about a second in milk, turn around for half a second and put it in the pan.
4. Cover the cookies' layer with a mix layer using a little less than half the remaining mixture.
5. Add another cookies layer.
6. Finish the dessert with a final mix layer.
7. Take the pan to the freezer for about 2 hours or, if you have some time, just take it to the refrigerator for about 5 hours.
8. Enjoy! (a lot... cause this dessert is awesome).
Juice of 3 lemons
Zest of 2 lemons
Milk as needed
360cm3 heavy cream
1 can of condensed milk
24 lady finger cookies*
* or enough to cover twice the pan we are using to prepare the dessert.
I used a 17.5cm x 28cm pan (the one shown in the picture).
1. Mix (preferably with a mixer) the lemon juice, zest, the heavy cream and the condensed milk until you get a dense mix.
2. Put a first thin layer of the mix in the pan we are using to mount the dessert.
Note: you are not going to unmold the dessert, it is served directly from the pan where you are preparing it.
3. Soak the cookies in milk and put them in a first layer over the mix layer we just put on the pan.
It is important to avoid the cookies being too soaked because if they are, they will break. Let one side of each cookie for about a second in milk, turn around for half a second and put it in the pan.
4. Cover the cookies' layer with a mix layer using a little less than half the remaining mixture.
5. Add another cookies layer.
6. Finish the dessert with a final mix layer.
7. Take the pan to the freezer for about 2 hours or, if you have some time, just take it to the refrigerator for about 5 hours.
8. Enjoy! (a lot... cause this dessert is awesome).
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