If you are looking for the English recipe, please, scroll down a bit.
2 tazas soja texturizada
1/2 taza aceite de girasol
1/2 taza salsa de soja
1 chorrito de vinagre de vino
1 cda de curry
Sal a gusto
Vegetales varios: cebolla, repollo colorado, berenjena, zapallito, ají morrón.
Aceite necesario para saltear las verduras.
Salsa de soja necesaria para cocinar las verduras.
Paso a paso:
1. Dejar en remojo la soja texturizada en agua tibia durante 20 minutos. Escurrir y reservar.
2. Mezclar en un bowl el aceite, salsa de soja, vinagre, curry y sal.
3. Agregar la soja texturizada a la preparación del bowl y mezclar para que toda la soja quede bien impregnada.
4. Dejar reposar por media hora.
5. Cocinar la soja texturizada a fuego medio en un wok o sartén utilizando sólo un poco de la mezcla de curry.
6. Esperar que la soja se dore de un lado, dar vuelta y cocinar del otro lado. Reservar.
7. Para cocinar las verduras, se debe repetir el mismo procedimiento para cada una:
8. Lavar y cortar las verduras en trozos.
9. Echar un chorrito de aceite en el wok o sartén y saltear un poco las verduras por 2 minutos removiendo para que no se peguen.
10. Agregar abundante salsa de soja y dejar que se cocinen las verduras en esa salsa.
11. Cuando estén cocidas, retirar del fuego y reservar para seguir cocinando el resto de las verduras.
12. Una vez que tengamos todas las verduras y la soja texturizada preparada, agregar todos los ingredientes al wok para calentar y mezclar bien los ingredientes.
13. A disfrutar!
English version
2 cups textured soy
1/2 cup sunflower oil
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 dash wine vinegar
1 tbsp curry powder
Salt to taste
Veggies you like: onions, red cabbage, aubergines, zucchinis, red pepper.
Required oil to sauté (slightly fry) the veggies.
Required soy sauce to cook the veggies.
1. Let the textured soy soak in warm water for about 20 minutes. Drain and reserve.
2. Mix the oil, soy sauce, vinegar, curry and salt in a bowl.
3. Add the textured soy to the bowl mixture and mix so all the soy is covered with the mixture.
4. Let it rest for about half an hour.
5. Cook the textured soy in medium heat in a wok or frying pan with just a slash of the curry mixture. 6. Wait until soy gets golden brown, flip it and cook the other side. Reserve.
7. In order to cook the veggies, repeat this procedure for each of them:
8. Wash and cut the veggie into pieces.
9. Add a splash of oil in the wok or frying pan, sauté the veggies for about 2 minutes and stir so they don't stick.
10. Add plenty of soy sauce and cook the veggies in that sauce.
11. When completely cooked, take off the heat and reserve. Continue with the rest of the veggies.
12. Once everything is cooked, mix them all, put them in medium heat in the wok or frying pan until hot enough to serve.
13. To enjoy!
2 cups textured soy
1/2 cup sunflower oil
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 dash wine vinegar
1 tbsp curry powder
Salt to taste
Veggies you like: onions, red cabbage, aubergines, zucchinis, red pepper.
Required oil to sauté (slightly fry) the veggies.
Required soy sauce to cook the veggies.
1. Let the textured soy soak in warm water for about 20 minutes. Drain and reserve.
2. Mix the oil, soy sauce, vinegar, curry and salt in a bowl.
3. Add the textured soy to the bowl mixture and mix so all the soy is covered with the mixture.
4. Let it rest for about half an hour.
5. Cook the textured soy in medium heat in a wok or frying pan with just a slash of the curry mixture. 6. Wait until soy gets golden brown, flip it and cook the other side. Reserve.
7. In order to cook the veggies, repeat this procedure for each of them:
8. Wash and cut the veggie into pieces.
9. Add a splash of oil in the wok or frying pan, sauté the veggies for about 2 minutes and stir so they don't stick.
10. Add plenty of soy sauce and cook the veggies in that sauce.
11. When completely cooked, take off the heat and reserve. Continue with the rest of the veggies.
12. Once everything is cooked, mix them all, put them in medium heat in the wok or frying pan until hot enough to serve.
13. To enjoy!
Riquisimo Ashy. Gracias!